A causa del temporal de pluges que es preveu per a aquest dissabte a la ciutat de Barcelona, i conscients del perill que suposa disputar la carrera en aquestes condicions, l'organització ha pres la decisió de posposar l'esdeveniment per a salvaguardar la seguretat de tots.
La nova data és dissabte que ve 9 de novembre, amb el mateix horari i condicions.
Si a algun corredor no li va bé aquesta data, l'organització retornarà el 100% inscripció.
Per a qualsevol consulta o comunicació: [email protected]
Disculpeu les molèsties. Esperem que entengueu la decisió.
The city of Barcelona is once again the scene of a great mountain bike show. It is the DOWN URBAN BARCELONA downhill event that runs from the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium and the stairs of the Magic Fountain of Montjuic.
Riders will be able to descend one of the few urban circuits in the world with big jumps and over passing catwalks at full speed, giving an exciting spectacle for spectators.
Urban downhill is undoubtedly one of the most exciting disciplines of mountain biking as it requires riders to have a lot of power and technique to descend as quickly as possible along the route that runs through a timed downhill circuit... the best international specialists of the moment will fight in Barcelona.
Figures of the level of Cedric Gracia, Pasqual Canals, David Vázquez, Marcelo Gutiérrez, among many other prominent names, have passed through this test.